Post-Distribution Monitoring Report

In Partnering with USAID DPO conducted post-distribution monitoring (PDM) of NFI alongside Dignity kits in Tigray region Ahefrom and Neader woredas in August 2021. The picture shows the use of the NFI and how much it helped IDP to prepare and store food, water, and other basic needs for their families and themselves.

On the other hand the distribution of Dignity kits which contains hygiene and sanitary items that are selected to meet urgent needs of women and girls of reproductive age, including pregnant and lactating mothers. 

The PDM pictures took place two weeks after NFI distribution to provide an opportunity to our donor’s USAID, IOM, RRF to obtain visual feedback from the beneficiaries regarding the utilization of NFI.

As an organization, we are pleased to play our part in assisting the destitute and will keep continuing doing the same.

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Development for
Peace Organization (DPO)

Development for Peace Organization (DPO) is an Ethiopian National Organization, established in Addis Ababa 2020. The organization is officially registered in accordance with legislation on Agency for Civil Society Organization by the registration number of 5164 with mission to improve the lives of disadvantaged people through increasing their access to Health and Education services, Supporting Income Generation and improving the natural environment, WaSH, one to one sponsorship, Humanitarian Response program and Peace and Reconciliation by applying a holistic and participatory approach. DPO is mandated to operate in all regional states of the country.


DPO aspire to see the people of Ethiopian living a decent lives in a safe and healthy environment.


DPO Works to improve the lives of disadvantaged people through increasing their access to Health and Education services, Supporting Income Generation and improving the Natural environment, WaSH, Humanitarian Response program, one to one sponsorship and Peace and Reconciliation by applying a holistic and participatory approach.

Thematic Areas

Group 28