
Strategic objective:

To improve the access and quality of health service provision in marginalized and hard to reach communities with a primary focus on women, youth and children

Health is one of the major thematic areas in which DPO experience and resources will be mobilized. We will mainly be engaged in;

  • Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and child health
  • Malaria prevention
  • Strengthening and establishing Youth Friendly Services (YFSs)
  • Strengthening referral services support emergency transportation
  • Improve access to health professionals to get different trainings to improve their professional capacities
  • HIV/AIDS prevention, care & support
  • System strengthening and supporting the health services provision and facilities
  • Social mobilization, and ensuring behavioral change, improving the health seeking behavior of the community,
  • Prevention of harmful traditional practices
  • Care and support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and PLHIV
  • Increasing access of communities to health services by availing basic inputs including ambulance service, medicines, medical equipment and construction of health facilities
  • Social and Behavioral Change Communication

Under this thematic component, we will highly focus on those hard to reach communities in which the health coverage is minimum and the health seeking behavior is low. On the other hand we will targets the most at risk population which are prevalent to different communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Malaria, water borne diseases and issues related to sanitation and hygiene.

The morbidity, mortality and vulnerability of pregnant & lactating women and infant & youth are prevalent in Ethiopia as a result of problems related to nutrition. DPO will work on CMAM, SAM, SBCC on nutrition and prevention of hidden hunger and micro nutrient deficiencies. DPO will implement projects under this thematic component. We will create significant impacts on our nutrition projects both under development and emergency nutrition projects.

To do this DPO will integrates and works on demand generation and supply side in each of its programs. We will engage volunteers in all our efforts in reaching out those marginalized and under privileged communities in providing the minimum health service and assistance. This helped pregnant mothers and children to easily reach to health facilities and implement referral linkages to health centers and hospitals.

In line with this, DPO will implement social mobilization, awareness creation, communication and behavioral change interventions on reproductive, maternal and child health, family planning, sanitation and hygiene, nutrition, prevention of harmful traditional practices, GBV, and strengthening community-based structures, establishment of health insurance groups and health financing schemes.

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH)

Strategic objective:

DPO will work to increase access to water, to improve sanitation and hygiene services and raise awareness on waste management. Sanitation and hygiene and rural water supply will also be addressed for those communities living in remote areas of the country. The major sub components of the program will be

  • Access to WaSH facilities (Toilet, shower, solid waste collection/burning pits, water and related)
  • Promotion of sanitation and hygiene (Community Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene, CLTSH)
  • Waste Management; awareness creation, collection, processing, marketing and safe disposal
  • Income generation in WaSH
  • Strengthen community-based structures and school clubs
  • School WaSH (Student Led Sanitation and Hygiene,)
  • Emergency WaSH interventions and response
  • Community Approaches to Total Sanitation (CATS)
  • Construction of communal  latrine, shower, Tap water and basin.


Strategic objective:

To increase the access and quality of education we believe one of the most valuable investment in the world is the one invested on human being. This aimed at improving the access and quality of education for the most hard to reach and disadvantaged groups, through construction of kindergarten, upgrade/extension of elementary schools, youth centers, and sponsorship of educational materials and one to one sponsorship for school enrollment of children. There are different components under this thematic area;

  • Quality Education Promotion and support
  • Construction of schools, ECCD centers and ABE centers
  • Girls education success
  • Early Child care and Development (ECCD)
  • Child sponsorship
  • Capacity Building
  • ICT and life skills
  • School based WaSH
  • Violence prevention in and around schools
  • School based income generation
  • School greening
  • Promotion and strengthening of school clubs
  • Teachers’ capacity building
  • WaSH in Schools

We will implement projects under this thematic area in different regions. DPO will built schools, libraries, kindergartens, primary schools and youth and ICT centers. On the other hand different supplementary reading materials, reference materials, laboratory equipment, playground/materials, teaching aid, mini media equipment and other related inputs were provided to schools in different times. On the other hand capacity building of school community including teachers, PTAs, school directors, cluster supervisors and student representatives were provided.

Apart from undertaking the major thematic interventions indicated above, DPO is accountable to persons of concern from the outset of an emergency until durable solutions are achieved. DPO works with the principles of:

  • Do No Harm
  • Gender Equality and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
  • Accountability to Affected People (AAP)
  • Environmental Impacts
  • Creating equal opportunity for the needy people 
  • Strict adherence to COVID-19 Protection Protocol

Women Economic Empowerment

Strategic objective:

To improve the economic empowerment and enhance the rehabilitation and self-reliance capacity of vulnerable communities

In its refugee and local community context, DPO will implement projects on women economic and livelihoods thematic component. The interventions will enable target communities to improve their household income, improve their productivity and enhance their dietary diversity. As a result of this poor and marginalized women and children in particular could realize their vision and use their potential which contribute for the reduction of gender disparities and reduce poverty and vulnerabilities. DPO support women’s to participate in different livelihood activities like petty trade, small coffee shop , goat and sheep fattening, Poultry and other activities. 

Agriculture and environmental protection

Strategic objective:

to create conducive living environment, we will work hard in reduction of Climate change through environmental protection interventions and improve agricultural productivities.

Climate change is one of the key environmental and developmental challenges of the 21st century. Large part of Ethiopia already been severely affected by extreme climatic events such as drought, floods and diseases. Current climate issues continue to pose significant challenge in Ethiopia by affecting food security, health, water and energy supply, poverty reduction and sustainable development efforts, as well as by causing natural resource degradation and natural disasters. This extreme events affect livelihoods, especially those of poor and marginalized Affordable, scalable solutions are now available to enable countries to leapfrog to cleaner, more resilient economies. The pace of change is quickening as more people are turning to renewable energy and a range of other measures that will reduce emissions and increase adaptation efforts. But climate change is a global challenge that does not respect national borders.

Emissions anywhere affect people everywhere. It is an issue that requires solutions that need to be coordinated at the international level and it requires international cooperation to help developing countries move toward a low-carbon economy. DPO will implement projects on renewable energy alternatives such as solar energy and bio gas energy and value chain, environmental conservation such integrated water and soil management, water harvesting and reforestation interventions. 

Peace and Reconciliation

Strategic objective:

to prevent a conflict in advance or rather to educate individuals and a society for a peaceful existence on the basis of nonviolence, tolerance, equality, respect for differences, and social justice.

In peacebuilding, reconciliation incorporates the search for truth, justice, forgiveness and accommodation between conflicting groups or people. Reconciliation processes in post-conflict societies are often highly complex.  This activity helps students gain a greater understanding of the nature of reconciliation and a more profound appreciation for reconciliation processes throughout history.

Peacebuilding is the development of constructive personal, group, and political relationships across ethnic, religious, class, national, and racial boundaries. It aims to resolve injustice in nonviolent ways and to transform the structural conditions that generate deadly conflict. Peacebuilding can include conflict prevention; conflict management; conflict resolution and transformation, and post-conflict reconciliation. 

Peacebuilding becomes strategic when it works over the long run and at all levels of society to establish and sustain relationships among people locally and globally. DPO supports and implements to peace and reconciliation activities using local conflict resolution mechanisms.


One to One Sponsorship

Strategic objective: 

to allow individual donors to sponsor an orphan and their family, ensuring all the child’s needs are met.

Our one to one sponsorship program is a relationally-based outreach to children and adolescents whom we have identified as needing extra help in their development. These kids and youth often come from low-income, single-parent homes, are struggling in school, and/or are likely to end up struggling to find employment as adults, thus repeating the same patterns with their own future children.