Reporting Channels, Safeguarding and Giving Feedback

 Whether you wish to report a violation of DPO’s Code of Conduct, a safeguarding incident or irregularity you noticed; or voice a concern, complaint, compliment or suggestion; there is a safe and secure avenue for you to do so. DPO has three main reporting mechanisms available to everyone: a safeguarding process, a whistle-blower system as well as a feedback and complaints mechanism.


 Safeguarding children and adults-at-risk is a core commitment of DPO. DPO and our partner organisations are responsible to uphold the protection of all persons who place their trust in us, particularly those most vulnerable to abuse. Safeguarding children and adults-at-risk is a core commitment of DPO.

When to use the whistle-blower system

 When serious issues arise, DPO staff, partners and people we work with have recourse to the whistle-blower system, which is an anonymous mechanism for reporting unacceptable conduct. The diversion of resources or misuse of power for personal gain compromises DPO’s core values and our accountability towards our beneficiaries, their communities and our donors around the world. DPO does not accept—nor tolerate—corruption nor fraud. DPO is determined to operate in an honest and transparent manner and aspires to operate to best practice standards and complies with all relevant laws in all the jurisdictions in which we operate. Anyone (including DPO partners and people we work with and serve) can use the whistle-blower system to report an incident they witnessed without fear of retribution.

Safeguarding Incident Reporting Form